Tuesday, January 25, 2011
I've started storing all my recipes that I find online with a service called Evernote, and I just found out that I can share that with you.
Click here to see the recipes. They're tagged with things like "dinner" and "winter" and "vegetables" to make things easy to find. I'll be adding to this often, so if you ever need dinner inspiration, check here!
Click here to see the recipes. They're tagged with things like "dinner" and "winter" and "vegetables" to make things easy to find. I'll be adding to this often, so if you ever need dinner inspiration, check here!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
In the Deep Midwinter
We have about six inches of snow on the ground that came down on Sunday and has not melted one whit since then, because the temperatures have been below freezing. Our high today is finally supposed to reach 32. You know you've been living in the cold too long when you consider that 32 might be fine weather for taking the dog for a walk.
The dog, who has been cooped up inside except to do her business for the past four days, is pretty much ready to burst with energy. I just let her out, and I'm watching her do laps around the yard at top speed. She absolutely loves snow. She consumes a relatively large quantity every time she goes outside. But the temperatures have been too cold, even for her, up until today.
Oops... She wants to be let in...
Working from home is going pretty well so far. I love the freedom it gives me. Last Friday, I baked two loaves of banana bread for weekend breakfasts. Today, I have a pot of steel-cut oats baking in the oven and I made myself a single serving of French toast with sliced pears for breakfast with a decaf hazelnut (mock) latte on the side. We're still working out the kinks in terms of when I go into the office; I need to try to impress upon them that we should consolidate my visits as much as possible (as it takes half an hour either direction to get there).
Oh good. Now Bella is barking at the box by the front door that arrived yesterday. It's a box of baby wipes from Amazon.com. They were such a good deal, I couldn't resist, even if there is no baby yet to wipe...
We also got our crib mattress this week, so things are starting to look more and more put-together in the nursery. Last week we bought a car seat that goes with our stroller (we found the stroller for less than half price at a consignment store around Thanksgiving). Coupons and special offers combined to make it seem like the time to buy.
Next on our list: a glider and a changing table/dresser. We decided that, with almost $200 in shipping charges, the dresser from JC Penny that matches our crib was too expensive, so now we're looking for a more economical option. We've found one online at Babies R Us that, even with shipping costs, is about $200, so that's probably our best choice.
I want to know why they make all the gliders so low to the ground? I have trouble getting in and out of them now, even without trying desperately not to wake the sleeping baby in my arms.
We'll be driving to Dallas in about two weeks for Gray's Christening and my baby shower. Expect photos, I'm sure!
The dog, who has been cooped up inside except to do her business for the past four days, is pretty much ready to burst with energy. I just let her out, and I'm watching her do laps around the yard at top speed. She absolutely loves snow. She consumes a relatively large quantity every time she goes outside. But the temperatures have been too cold, even for her, up until today.
Oops... She wants to be let in...
Working from home is going pretty well so far. I love the freedom it gives me. Last Friday, I baked two loaves of banana bread for weekend breakfasts. Today, I have a pot of steel-cut oats baking in the oven and I made myself a single serving of French toast with sliced pears for breakfast with a decaf hazelnut (mock) latte on the side. We're still working out the kinks in terms of when I go into the office; I need to try to impress upon them that we should consolidate my visits as much as possible (as it takes half an hour either direction to get there).
Oh good. Now Bella is barking at the box by the front door that arrived yesterday. It's a box of baby wipes from Amazon.com. They were such a good deal, I couldn't resist, even if there is no baby yet to wipe...
We also got our crib mattress this week, so things are starting to look more and more put-together in the nursery. Last week we bought a car seat that goes with our stroller (we found the stroller for less than half price at a consignment store around Thanksgiving). Coupons and special offers combined to make it seem like the time to buy.
Next on our list: a glider and a changing table/dresser. We decided that, with almost $200 in shipping charges, the dresser from JC Penny that matches our crib was too expensive, so now we're looking for a more economical option. We've found one online at Babies R Us that, even with shipping costs, is about $200, so that's probably our best choice.
I want to know why they make all the gliders so low to the ground? I have trouble getting in and out of them now, even without trying desperately not to wake the sleeping baby in my arms.
We'll be driving to Dallas in about two weeks for Gray's Christening and my baby shower. Expect photos, I'm sure!
Friday, December 10, 2010
One Moment: 20 Weeks

Stole this idea from Anne, where you post a photo of a single moment on Fridays. This was the view out my kitchen window this morning.
Today, I am officially at 20 weeks along. I feel the baby move many times a day, more and more forcefully. In less than a week, we go for the ultrasound that will hopefully tell us baby's sex. In the meantime, I'm on deadline for work (my last one at the office), trying to get ready for Christmas, and trying not to be sick every day.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Something to live up to
I still feel that the challenge I've always faced as a writer was naming my children. And I feel that your name is like a one-line poem and that it should resonate even before somebody even meets you.
~E. Ethelbert Miller
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Baby's Room
The Bean's room is starting to look more like a nursery.

We got the crib home yesterday after a little misstep. We had ordered it from the JC Penny catalog, and when we went to pick it up at the store, we realized that the box would not fit in either of our cars.
So, yesterday, Brandon rented a small Uhaul, picked up the crib and brought it home.
Thankfully, when we order the dresser, it will be delivered to the house.

I think it looks pretty good in there. But it does make the room feel a lot smaller. We'll have to see if the bookshelf gets to stay once we've brought in the dresser and a rocker of some sort.

We got the crib home yesterday after a little misstep. We had ordered it from the JC Penny catalog, and when we went to pick it up at the store, we realized that the box would not fit in either of our cars.
So, yesterday, Brandon rented a small Uhaul, picked up the crib and brought it home.
Thankfully, when we order the dresser, it will be delivered to the house.

I think it looks pretty good in there. But it does make the room feel a lot smaller. We'll have to see if the bookshelf gets to stay once we've brought in the dresser and a rocker of some sort.
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
An important moment
I look a little bewildered in this photo. And if you look very closely, you might be able to see why.
Brandon took this picture mere moments after we discovered that we are going to be parents.
I wish I'd taken a photo of him. He is so very excited.
We are about 14 weeks along now in this baffling journey, starting to think about picking out a crib, starting to talk about names, almost finished clearing out the room that will be the nursery. Much less nausea (though it hasn't fully gone away), much more energy for me.
But still trying to wrap our brains around the enormity of the thing.
I have been craving cheese. And guacamole. Sometimes together in the form of nachos.
I have been instructed to take photos of my belly, but have so far resisted.
I have also been asked when I would make a baby blog. But I think, all things considered, that this is the place for any baby blogging that might happen. This blog has been with me an awfully long time (in blog years, it's ancient). It seems only right that I record the next chapter here as well.
So stay tuned. In a few months, these unfinished files will seem even more unfinished as we bring a brand new blank page into the world.
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Originally uploaded by LacyLu42.
Oh man. So many berries. So much jam!
Yesterday, we picked 12 pints of strawberries and 6 pints of raspberries, as well as a pound of basil and bought two pounds of tomatillos.
Yesterday, I made salsa verde. Today, I made eight pints of strawberry jam (some with balsamic vinegar—really good!), one and a half pints of raspberry basil jam, six cups of pesto and a partridge in a pear tree. That left two pints of raspberries and two pints of strawberries to freeze, and two pints each to eat fresh.
Thank you so much to my husband who hulled about a million strawberries while I cooked!
Sunday, May 09, 2010
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