[B]Where was your character born?[/B]
[B]What age will your character be during your story? [/B]
[b]How old does s/he appear?[/b]
[B]So is your character a pureblood, mixedblood, muggleborn, muggle, squib
or whatever? [/B]
[B]Who are your character's parents and siblings? What's his/her
relationship with them like? [/B]
[B]Is your character in a relationship? [/B]
[B]What is his/her strongest subject in school? Weakest?[/B]
[B]Does your character have any pets?[/B]
[B]What is your character wearing?[/B]
[B]Favorite food/color/swearword? (just for fun )[/B]
[B]Favorite kind of music?[/B]
[B]Favorite things to do?[/B]
[b]Optimistic or pessimistic?[/b]
[b]Shy or bold?[/b]
[b]Extroverted or introverted?[/b]
[b]Practical or dreamer?[/b]
[b]Leader or follower?[/b]
[b]Neat or sloppy?[/b]
[B]What is your character most likely to get their name in the newspaper for
[B]What qualities does she value in others? [/B]
[B]How would she get along with the character posted before her? [/B]
[B]What was their top career choice as a child?[/B]
[B]How many times a day on average do they laugh? [/B]
[B]Scenario: Someone who your character would never date approaches him/her
on the street and offers a number, or a motel room. How does your OC react?
Shrug him/her off? With humour? With Murder? [/B]
[b]How does your character act when s/he's angry? Sad? Very happy?[/b]
[b]What makes him/her climb the walls?[/b]
[B]What is the first impression anyone might get, upon meeting your OC? [/B]
[B]What's her/his dirty little secret?[/B]
[B]Who was their idol as a child? [/B]
[B]What are your character's flaws?[/B]
[B]Now name some things your character is good at.[/B]
[B]Give a quote from your character, something that expresses her/his
[B]What would/do the trio think of your character and vice versa?[/B]
[B]What has been you character's biggest disappointment in life so far?[/B]
[B]What does your character consider their biggest achievement in life?[/B]
[B]What does your character deem to be the most important part of their
daily routine?[/B]
[B]Does your character believe in the existence of one true soulmate for
every person?[/B]
[B]A museum is burning and there is only time time to save one thing: an old
woman or a Rembrant. Which does your character chose?[/B]
[B]What is you characters favourite season? Why? [/B]
[B]What do they feel guilty about doing?[/B]
[B]If they looked into the Mirror of Erised what would they see?[/B]
[B]What is his/her worst memory (dementor)? [/B]
[B]Where would they most like to go on holiday?[/B]
[B]Who is their ideal partner?[/B]
[B]Which famous person would they have a poster of on their wall?[/B]
[B]What is the number one thing they complain about?[/B]
[B]What would make them smile on a bad day?[/B]
[B]What one thing would they change about their appearance/personality?[/B]
[B]What would your character think about, trying to perform the patronus
charm? [/B]
[B]Would s/he be more likely to appear in a slash romance or a het romance
fic? [/B]
[B]How much magical skill does your character have -- more like Neville or
Dumbledore? [/B]
[B]What would your character die for? [/B]
[B]If your character would lie on the stand, would (s)he incriminate an
innocent stranger to save his/her guilty mother/father? [/B]
[B]What makes your character lose sleep at night?[/B]
[B]Your character can change one aspect of his or past. What does (s)he
[B]If your character died at this moment of development, would (s)he linger
as a ghost or move on? [/B]
[B]What is your character's Super Motive? What drives them more than
anything else?[/B]
[B]What is the point of your character in this story? After all, it's
useless to introduce an OC unless they have a purpose. What role are they
going to play? What are they going to do?[/B]
[B]What keeps your character from being a Mary/Gary S(t)ue? What do you
worry might be Sue-ish about your character?[/B]