Lacy, I found your blog through your facebook page. I just want to say that I am really impressed with you, your writing, your work, your dedication to your blogs. I have no doubt that you have a very successful writing career ahead of you. No wait, you actually already have a successful writing career. It's inspiring. I wish I had the insight to try and be better friends with you in high school because we could have had a great time talking about books. But I'm glad we got to sing together! For now, I'll just keep enjoying your writing from afar. Best of luck!
Zev's first days at school
Zev had a great first week of school. He seems to be enjoying his new
classroom and teachers. Here he is on the playground.
In the sandbox, his favorit...
Anna, Dave and Mr. Justin
When I first came to Anna, Dave and Justin's house, Justin wasn't too sure
about me, clinging on to Anna while he looked at me sideways. He warmed up
to m...
1 comment:
Lacy, I found your blog through your facebook page. I just want to say that I am really impressed with you, your writing, your work, your dedication to your blogs. I have no doubt that you have a very successful writing career ahead of you. No wait, you actually already have a successful writing career. It's inspiring.
I wish I had the insight to try and be better friends with you in high school because we could have had a great time talking about books. But I'm glad we got to sing together! For now, I'll just keep enjoying your writing from afar. Best of luck!
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