If you try to reach www.lacyandbrandon.com any time in the very near future, you will get a generic search engine type page. Our ownership of the domain name expired, and I haven't had a chance to renew it yet.
This means two things: First, that I'm going to have to get my hiney* in gear and update the durn page once I get the domain renewed, and Second, since all the old website files were on the PC which went the way of all PCs, I may have to rebuild the page from scratch.
In any case, I'll let you know when it's back online, hopefully with many updates and improvements.
*The word hiney always makes me think of Carol O'Neil. Hi Carol! Mecaleca High Meca Hiney HO!
September was full of new school stuff!
And some fun thrown in there!
We built some stuff at Gran's house.
Holden had c...
5 years ago
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