Please to be sending positive thoughts to my Brandon at 2pm Pacific time as he does his thesis defense thingy.
Thank you.
September was full of new school stuff!
And some fun thrown in there!
We built some stuff at Gran's house.
Holden had c...
5 years ago
So you must know by now - I mean it is 3:30 PST - HOW did it go? We have been sending him positive thoughts for 18 months! (and it seems to have worked!!) We are proud of him and glad he knows it. (He told me he knew I was proud last night - and I am really glad he does.) Call L and Z tonight. Smooches to all and stay away from faults and the shore....
Everything went well. He said they only asked one question that he didn't know the answer to, and everything worked properly, technologically speaking, so barring some unseen disaster, he is a M.S. now!
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