Baby Bean is Growing

 BabyFruit Ticker

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

What tsunami? Oh *that* tsu--

My Mum called to ask me if we survived the tsunami warning last night.

Tsunami what now?

I love how, even though we were watching TV for a while last night, even though I was listening to NPR this morning, there was absolutely NO mention of it in the local media...

...but aparently they all knew about it in Texas.



Charlie said...

And that is why the rest of the nation is convinced California is going to fall of the continent. Because stuff like that gets broadcasted.

Unknown said...

Frankly, what with all the shakin' goin' on 'round here, I'm fairly convinced of that myself...

A. Diabetic Person said...

If the state falls off into the ocean, all I gotta say is

"What a way to go, man..."

Unknown said...

Yeah, you can say that because you're leaving in two days...