"Go to google images and type in your answers for each
of these, then post the first picture that comes up
for your search."
1. Your first car.

Nissan Sentra
2. The place you grew up.

Richardson, Texas
3. The place you live now.

Oh my God, so true!
4. What shows up when you type in your name?

So NOT what I look like...
5. What shows up when you type in your grandmother's

I love my grandma a lot, but she is not, actually, the patron saint of France...
6. What shows up when you type in your favorite food?

The grossest looking cookie EVER.
7. What shows up when you type in your favorite drink?

This is not a frosty beverage.
8. What shows up when you type in your favorite song?

I do NOT like that octopus.
9. What shows up when you type in your favorite smell?

actually a very cool picture
10. Your favorite pair of shoes ever?

this could actually BE my shoe...
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